What do the films star wars, harry potter & lion king all have in common?


Yes, dead parents are a common theme in all of these films, but that's not it.


They all actually follow a story telling structure from a book called "The Hero with A Thousand Faces" by Joseph Campbell... obviously.


But it’s not just a book that had a hand in some of the most successful films ever made. I believe the best way to describe it is as the ultimate life manual packaged in a book about mythology.


Lets dive in.


So, Campbell is a professor who took it upon himself to answer the burning question society needed answering: What do all the myths from all corners of the world - from ancient tales to modern religions like Christianity and Islam have in common?


What he unearthed was interesting: a common thread, a universal story that humanity has been sharing since forever. (Forever ever, forever ever, forever ever) Shoutout to anyone who gets this reference.


Anyway, every culture from Mesopotamia to our modern Western Society uses this single story-telling arc to pass along valuable information about who we are and why we are here. Tradition and hope. Lessons and purpose.


He coined this story-arc the "monomyth," or as we know it, the Hero's Journey.


Now, this isn't just about heroes slaying dragons or Thanos; it's actually about facing life's challenges. It’s about growing through adversity and unleashing the anti-hero that's within all of us.


It's a single story, but it wears a thousand different masks, a tale told in countless ways. You can spot it in the stories you grew up with, the movies you watch, and even in your own daily life.


Understanding this monomyth is a major key to unlocking a better, more resilient, and courageous version of yourself.


A version of yourself that approaches the cute girl at the bar, or goes for that job opening you think is above you, or flies halfway across the world to explore that passion you've been talking yourself out of doing for months.


Consider this frame that everyone can relate to because it mirrors our own growth from immaturity into maturity: When we're born, we inherit all these rules and beliefs from our family and society, right? Then as we age we naturally go through this process of breaking free from those rules, finding our true selves, and returning to our authentic core.



This is the hero’s journey.


It's a blueprint for becoming the man you were destined to be before society conditioned you to be “normal”.

Normal people:

  • Do the bare minimum to survive.
  • Are overweight.
  • Are slaves to their impulses.
  • Have no belief in their ability to change.
  • Settle for a life they don’t want.


This story arc is a blueprint for personal growth and shows you how to face your fears, discover your strengths, and handle adversity.


And when you understand the structure and phases of this story, you can become the architect of your own adventure.


You can take control of your journey to becoming a man you can respect and admire.



Let's first break down this journey into its three main stages before looking at the story arc in more detail.


Stage 1: The Call to Adventure - This is where it all begins. Imagine Luke Skywalker leaving his planet to rescue the princess or Neo unplugging from the Matrix to realise his destiny. Departing from your comfort zone, you step into the unknown, leaving behind the familiar to explore uncharted territories.

Stage 2: The Initiation - Brace yourself for challenges and pain. The path of the hero isn't an easy one; it's one of battles, adversity and conflicts. Along the way, you'll encounter allies, enemies, and mentors who offer guidance. These tests shape your character and reveal your strengths, propelling you forward regardless of the odds.

Stage 3: The Return - After enduring the crucible of initiation, you return home—but you're transformed. The journey has etched a permanent mark on your soul. Just like Luke becoming a Jedi or Neo becoming the one, you've undergone an internal evolution. You've outgrown your old self and returned wiser, stronger, and more in tune with your true potential.


The first stage is your comfort zone—the safe haven you know so well. But stages 2 and 3 are set in the unknown, where you have to let go of safety for the sake of your growth.


This internal battle between safety and growth is a reoccurring theme throughout our lives.

  • Dependence vs. independence.
  • Regression vs. progression.
  • Immaturity vs. maturity.



It's how you deal with the tension between the "satisfaction of growth" and the "anxieties of safety" that determine your success in life.


This reveals why many shun the call to adventure, clinging to the known instead of embracing the growth that comes from exploring the unknown.



Let’s explore the structure of the hero’s journey in more detail, using my journey as an example.

1. The Ordinary World
  • This is where the hero begins, in the normal everyday world you're familiar with.
  • Example: I was living a typical degenerate Western society lifestyle with no meaning or purpose, trying to play along with the societal norms.


2. The call to adventure (awakening to a Greater Purpose)

  • You experience a pivotal moment, a light bulb goes off and you realise there's more to life and more to your potential.
  • Example: Having a mild suicidal thought on my way home from work made me realise I was on the wrong path. Up until this point, I thought part of adulting was hating your life, but that moment was when shit got real. I needed to change my life and I knew no one was coming to save me. I had to save myself.


3. Refusal of the call

  • Of course, doubts creep in. Can you really change? Are you up for the challenge?
  • Example: I started looking for a way out, I wanted to be free but didn’t know where to start, what to do or who I needed to become. Change is hard. Sometimes the Hero is more afraid of change than they are of continuing to be unhappy in their situation. A familiar negative is better than an unknown positive. The majority of the people who want to embark on a new journey never get past this point; they think it will be too hard, they can’t change or they start and give up at the first hurdle.


4. Meeting the mentor

  • You meet someone who becomes your guide or come across something that sparks something inside of you.
  • Example: I came across a poem by Maya Angelou about a caged bird which inspired me to take action. It helped me understand that I could attain freedom by working on myself. A mentor doesn’t necessarily need to be a person who you have direct contact with; the role of the mentor can also be filled by a book or even a podcast. The mentor can help you without ever meeting you.


5. Crossing the threshold (stepping into the Unknown)

  • It's time to leave your comfort zone and explore the unknown.
  • Example: I entered the world of self-improvement, consuming books, podcasts, lectures, exhibitions, anything that would help me improve.


6. Tests, allies, enemies

  • Along the way, you encounter challenges, make allies/foes, and deal with some adversity.
  • Example: As I began applying the knowledge I was learning to my life on my transformative journey, I quickly realised that there were people who wanted to help, and people who didn’t. Some people will support your goals and others will make jokes. Some will even try and tempt you back to the old you, but to make your transformation a reality, you have to pass these tests.


7. Approaching the inner cave (Preparation for the Ultimate Test)

  • You prepare mentally and physically for the most significant change.
  • Example: I knew I had to strengthen my mind and body to maintain my progress long-term, I began eating better, working out, doing yoga, meditating and journaling.


8. The Ordeal (Transformational Challenge)

  • The most significant challenge arrives; you must confront your deepest fears.
  • Example: This is about the act of change and the necessity for it. A key moment or competition like a marathon that forces you to face adversity and access the hero within. For me, my deepest fear was not living up to my potential. Ending up just like my absent dad who died without much to show for his life. After being inspired by Tim Ferris’s book the 4-hour body, I set myself a fitness goal to get down to the holy grail of 10% body fat. I followed a gruelling workout & diet plan which took me to hell and back. I thought this process would take months but after 4 weeks I achieved my goal and unlocked a mindset shift in the process. Metaphorically, this stage is also about the war between the light and dark halves of your psyche, and your attempt to balance them.


9. Seize the rewards

  • After overcoming the challenge, you gain something valuable.
  • Example: I developed a completely new set of lifestyle habits in my mission to get shredded. Seeing my ability to change myself physically allowed me to believe I could improve myself in any way I wanted to. Not just physically but mentally and emotionally too. I earned my trust and self-respect, and with it came a newfound sense of self-worth.


10. The road back home

  • Going back to your old life seems strange after all you've learned.
  • Example: After the battle itself is over, the Hero must return home. Surprisingly, this phase can be tougher than the initial departure. It's emotionally challenging because you worry about losing all the progress you made during the journey. For me, that fear of slipping back into my old habits was a major concern. You have to become the master of Two Worlds — you have to find a balance, uniting the old and new within you. It's like harmonising who you were with who you've become, accepting both sides. The dark and the light. I had to master life in my transformed body and mind, appreciating its benefits without going to extremes. Gradually embracing a more balanced, everyday life, like going to dinners or having the occasional beer, just like everyone else.


11. Resurrection and atonement (The Moment of Enlightenment)

  • You have a profound realisation, and you're never the same again.
  • Example: Anyone who's undergone a significant transformation knows it's intense. You might not reach ultimate enlightenment, but you'll definitely uncover a whole new world you never knew existed. For me, after reaching a goal I thought would be almost impossible, it was the realisation that I held the power to reconstruct myself and change my reality. Think of it as a story where the hero briefly becomes godlike, usually by letting go of all resistance and fully immersing themselves in the experience. In that moment, you're not exactly a god, but you're a lot like a phoenix — rising from the ashes of your old self into something newer and better.


12. Return with the exilir (Sharing the Wisdom)
  • You return, transformed, and use your experience to help others.
  • Example: In the best of cases, rewards are not just for the Hero but also for everyone around him. The act of changing helped me become a better version of myself; many of my better qualities were amplified. I was more at peace, and uplifting to others; I was also more focused, and more disciplined. My transformation also inspired others to take journeys of their own. More than anything, the knowledge that I’d gained over the years — starting with when I made my own transformation — allowed me to create this tribe of outlaws and pour my knowledge into them.



    My journey is just a single example of how the monomyth can be applied to your life. Once you know the general structure, it’s not difficult to plot these journeys in all aspects of life.

    • Consider your romantic relationship. You meet a girl (Ordinary World) and feel a connection (Call to Adventure). Maybe you were hesitant at first because she made a weird joke about witchcraft on the 1st date (Refusal), but against your better judgement, you decided to give her a chance. Along the way, friends or family might have offered advice (Meeting with the Mentor), helping you navigate the ups and downs of courtship and love (Tests, Allies, Enemies). Ultimately, love wins, and you overcome your commitment issues to develop a strong bond (Reward) and grow into the role of being a good boyfriend (Atonement), contributing to a loving relationship (Return with the Elixir). The end. Everyone lives happily ever after… until she cheats on you with her “work friend” Derek from sales on your 7-year anniversary. This betrayal leads into your villain/revenge arc that ends in you challenging Derek to a duel to fight for your honour, but that's a story for another blog.


    • Now, think about a career change. You lost your job (Call to Adventure), and despite initial resistance (Refusal), you decided to explore new career options. Maybe you seek guidance from a career advisor (Meeting with the Mentor) who helped you take the leap and finally start your bamboo chair business (Crossing the First Threshold). Along this journey, you faced challenges and learned valuable lessons (Tests, Allies, Enemies) who knew bamboo wasn’t comfortable to sit on. In the end, you establish a successful business and find a niche in the bamboo hammock market (Reward) that not only transformed your professional life but also allowed you to make a positive impact (Atonement) on the world due to the sustainability of bamboo (Return with the Elixir).


    • Now picture a change in your health and lifestyle (Call to Adventure). Despite initial doubts and resistance (Refusal), you decide to explore a healthier way of living. Seeking guidance from a fitness trainer (Meeting with the Mentor), you take the first steps toward a new, active lifestyle (Crossing the First Threshold). Challenges arise – sore muscles, temptations, and self-doubt (Tests, Allies, Enemies) – but you push through, gaining strength and discipline. With consistency and patience, you achieve your fitness goals, you look incredible and feel even better (Reward). Your transformation not only improves your personal life but inspires those around you (Atonement). The sustainable energy and self confidence you've gained become a positive force (Return with the Elixir) that you share with others, creating a healthier and happier social group. 


    From personal development to relationships, career changes to fitness goals, do you now see how the Hero's Journey is a blueprint for understanding the transformative experiences that shape our lives?


    For the modern man, the journey from stagnation to heroism is a necessary path. One that is missing in today's world because most people prioritise a life of comfort.


    If you spend too much time in comfort then your ability to deal with struggle diminishes. Life is hard, if you want to win this game you must make yourself harder (NH).


    The only way to discover your true potential is by facing discomfort and confronting your inner demons.


    This is no easy task but by daring to become more, you can emerge as a hero in a society that desperately needs champions of self-mastery.



    In the beginning, your journey often revolves around external achievements. Trying to fill that internal void with things outside of yourself.


    Building a “successful” career, chasing superficial victories, or honing creative skills—these are the external markers that normally kickstart your heroic quest.


    Yet, as your journey twists and turns, you begin to uncover a deeper search for inner growth, a transformation that only becomes possible when you begin to see life through a more conscious lens.


    Everyone will only see the external transformation, but it’s the internal journey that truly counts.



    Every test you overcome in the external world is adding complexity and depth to your internal world.


    Let’s do one more hero’s journey: the internal journey of self-mastery


    It works like this.


    Internally everyman has the potential to be his own hero. You included.


    However, to uncover the hero within, you must embark on a journey of self-discovery. This adventure plays out in the everyday world as you immerse yourself in all its offerings.


    Most climb the ladder of material success (women, stuff, money, status), believing that the answers they want lie at its summit.


    Plot twist… they don't.


    But we all have to realise this for ourselves, it’s difficult to skip the steps of enlightenment.


    Rest assured, at some point, you will have enough of the emptiness looking for answers in the external world provides.


    Eventually, you’ll come full circle. You’ll have to return to yourself. And this is the moment you realise you were the answer.


    What you were looking for was within you all along.


    While you project your identity onto the material world, believing you’re the things you’ve achieved and the things you own, it feels real, but nothing it has to offer is of any true value to you.


    You will be made to face some truths you’ve been hiding from and become aware that there’s more to yourself than you first thought.


    You’re the source of all of your pain and all the answers you’re looking for are inside of you.


    You need to understand this before you can reclaim your authority, your divinity, your power - and let go of seeking validation from external sources.


    As you pull this thread of truth and explore it further, you’ll start revealing parts of yourself you never knew existed.


    You’ll be empowered to confront the demons that have been created while living in this fake reality that is society.


    You’ll naturally begin taking ownership of every aspect of your identity, making peace with the parts of yourself you were ashamed of.


    You’ll begin learning more about yourself, understanding why you are the way you are until you accept and love yourself for you.


    This is how you reconcile your dark and light parts, this how you become whole.


    As you progress down this road back to yourself, you shed all the crutches and coping mechanisms you relied on in this fake world.


    You stand tall as your true self, and that's when real freedom and self-mastery are achieved. This journey isn't just yours; it's the essence of every story ever told.


    This is the only story there is.


    In a strange paradox, you must temporarily leave yourself to truly understand your worth.


    You have to lose stuff before you realise that all the stuff you’re losing is transitory. It’s not yours to begin with.


    And when it’s all said and done, you see that you are enough, and you always have been, but sometimes life takes you through a maze of experiences to make that crystal clear.


    That maze of experiences is the hero’s journey.


    We've created this Self-architecture Framework that gives men the opportunity to embark on their own personal hero's journey. Through a common goal of becoming the men we can admire and respect in every way so we can give him to the world, we aim to unite men in a mission to become the anti-hero of their story.


    On this journey you will learn to:

    • Reset your brain and lifestyle
    • Build a physique for longevity
    • Eat to live and avoid illness
    • Maximise vitality by optimising hormones and testosterone naturally
    • Manage negative emotions
    • Design a life you want to live
    • Develop knowledge of self and authenticity
    • Master your energy
    • Become fully stacked
    • Think critically and independently
    • Recognise your own power


    To sign up to the waiting list today, click the link below for the anti-hero's roadmap form.

    The Anti-hero's Roadmap


    And always remember, you're were born to be the anti-hero of your story.

    Free your outlaw.


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