Objective: Become the anti-hero of your story

Method: Free your outlaw


If you are here, you must be tired of being consumed by a feeling of powerlessness with no real sense of direction and purpose. Stuck in a society that would rather label you toxic, instead of providing meaningful opportunities for personal growth and development.


Does this sound about right?


Or maybe you feel trapped by your circumstances, as though there is no escape from the endless cycle of disappointment and frustration?


Or maybe you live in constant anxiety and stress, always worried about what could go wrong next?


If you've answered yes to any of the above, you could just be a Manchester United fan, but it's more likely because you've let the victim mindset conquer you in your life story.


When you allow yourself to be a victim, your life becomes a tale of constant struggle and hardship.


The victim's world is a hostile and unforgiving place. They use every setback, obstacle or criticism as proof that they are not capable of success or happiness.


They become fixated on their limitations, unable to see any other possibilities for their life. I've been here before and it sucks. I talk about it in my Origin story if you haven't checked it out already.


This is essentially the reality of a loser, but isn't this how every hero's journey begins? The adversity we face in life is what makes our story worth telling.


No one wants to hear about the guy who has gone through life without ever taking a loss or suffering in any way, shape or form.


Perfection just isn't relatable or applicable to the human experience. We have flaws and imperfections, and we all have challenges we must overcome.


Look, the L's you've taken so far in your life may not all be your fault, but it's YOUR responsibility to turn them into W's before you leave this earth. There are a lot of empty pages in your life story waiting to be filled with tales of success.


I know from experience that breaking free from the victim mindset is possible. But it starts with taking responsibility for YOUR problems; because when you do that, you force yourself to find solutions. 


I'm emphasising the word YOUR because no one cares about your life more than you. And they shouldn't; everyone's got their own problems to worry about.


Imagine feeling so lost and hopeless that jumping in front of a train seemed like an option. I had that thought once. But I could never identify as a victim. I used that thought as fuel to do the work to transform myself from a victim to an outlaw.


I went from passively letting life pass me by to taking action. I used my knowledge of designing buildings and applied it to my life.


Through self-architecture, I re-constructed myself into the man I needed to become to commit to my goals and go after what I wanted in life.


And now, I've created a multi-phase plan which I've summarised in the framework below to help you tap into that same inner force of lawlessness.



This is the roadmap to unwrapping your potential, the anti-hero within. 


Taking The Step

The first step is always the hardest.


A path towards your highest self is available to everyone. Yet, many hesitate to take that first step, held back by the fear of the unknown. We find ourselves postponing this journey in various ways:

  • Avoiding important tasks.
  • Procrastination.
  • Distracting ourselves with vices.
  • Excuses.
  • Prioritising comfort.
  • Fear of the unknown.


As you avoid doing what you know must be done, a quiet tension takes root, growing steadily in the shadows. These tensions, the clashing desires and fears, create internal conflict.


Our human nature hates this imbalance. As the tension builds, the discomfort we feel becomes the catalyst for action and conflict resolution. You can only ignore your conscience for so long.


Whether you've already embraced the call to your heroic journey or have hesitated so far, it's the present that truly counts. What you choose to do today—right now—will shape your path.


Your journey awaits, a mission of growth, transformation, and self-discovery. It leads to the heart of your story—the story of the hero that lies within you.



1. To start your journey CLICK HERE to complete your anti-hero's journey roadmap.


This is an online sign up form which you get to keep that helps you and us understand whether this is a journey you truly want to go on. 


2. If you're accepted, you will then be sent further emails each day outlining how each phase of the framework is completed. These are the steps I took to develop myself into a man that I can respect.


3. All that's left for you to do is take action. Knowledge gives you the keys but it's work ethic that unlocks your potential.


4. For those who want to speed up their journey, a link will be provided for our digital product The Outlaw's Pocketbook. I’ve spent a year synthesising all the information I’ve learned about personal development into this product, everything you need to work through each phase will be provided there. 


On this journey you will:

  • Increase Emotional Resilience
  • Increase Confidence
  • Establish Core Values
  • Learn how to manage stress
  • Master goal setting
  • Learn how to overcome obstacles
  • Learn how to eat to live, not live to eat
  • Learn how to train your body properly
  • Improve time-management and discipline
  • Understand yourself better
  • Have more certainty in who and where you want to be 
  • Develop healthier habits
  • Understand the principles of masculinity
  • Understand the value of knowledge and skills


Just, imagine a world where limitations, self-doubt, and societal pressures no longer hold us back from becoming the best versions of ourselves. This is the vision that ignited my journey to start a brand dedicated to helping men achieve just that.


In today's society, men often find themselves at a crossroads, torn between conforming to societal norms and pursuing their unique paths.


The pressure to fit into predefined roles, coupled with the expectation to bury our true potential, can be stifling. Many of us have experienced moments of feeling lost or disconnected, as if we're wandering aimlessly through life.


But what if I told you that there's an outlaw within each of us, an archetype waiting to break free from the chains of conformity?


This outlaw represents our suppressed hopes, dreams, and ambitions, crying out for expression. It's the part of us that rebels against the status quo in search of authenticity and purpose.



I've been there. I've felt the weight of expectations, the frustration of conforming, and the hunger for something more. It became evident that the path of self-discovery and self-mastery is not an easy one, but it's a journey worth taking.


Our brand is a beacon of hope for men seeking to reclaim their identities and unleash their inner anti-heroes.


Through this carefully crafted framework that will take you on a heroic journey to self-mastery, we provide the tools and guidance needed to navigate life's challenges and emerge victorious.


By embracing the outlaw archetype within us, we can chart our own course. We'll redefine what it means to be a man in today's world and create a legacy that's authentically ours.


This isn't just a brand; it's a movement, a call to action for men to seize control of their narratives and become the anti-heroes they were born to be. 


Whether you choose to answer this call is up to you. 


Most people won't and that's ok because this journey isn't for most people. 


It's difficult, it requires patience and discipline. 


Only answer this call:

  • If you have that nagging feeling in the back of your mind that you can do more than you're doing right now.
  • If deep down you know that there's untapped potential within you going to waste.
  • If the thought of never knowing what you're capable of achieving scares the shit out of you. 


This isn't for everybody, but if it relates to you CLICK HERE  to complete your anti-hero's journey roadmap and get on the waiting list to kickstart your own heroic journey. 


Always remember, you were born to be the anti-hero of your story.

Free your outlaw.

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