I originally wrote this guide with the intention of giving you all the insights I uncovered on my complicated journey to mastering nutrition. Which sounds crazy because intuitively we know what foods are nutritious. 

So, what does mastering nutrition even look like?

Well, as far i'm concerned, it looks like eating like a human being.

Yes, this is the wild concept that so many struggle with in today's world. And with good reason. The world we live in now is very different to the one we adapted to survive in. Just eating what humans are supposed to eat is really hard when doughnuts are so delicious. I get it, I love doughnuts too. And I delve deep into this topic, not my love for doughnuts but the cost of eating a diet littered with addictive processed artificial "foods". Spoiler alert... it's illness.

But you already know this don't you?

Something you might not be aware of though, is all the intentionally conflicting information in the diet industry and how it's purely a business to make money off of people's ignorance. Everything you need to know to make a start on developing healthier eating habits is in here. But deep down I know that the vast majority of you will read this and then go back to your same old routine even though you know that path only leads to illness.

How do I know this?

Because whilst most of you may not know the extent of the damage low-quality garbage foods do to you, you do know that they're not your friend. And you do know what foods are actually healthy for you. And yet you still choose to eat foods that poison you on a daily basis.

Look, I'm not judging you because I used to do this as well. I didn't start eating vegetables until I was 25 years old. It's now 6 years later, and I can honestly say that eating real food has improved my quality of life massively. It's like when your iphone or mac does a big upgrade and everything just gets better, and new features pop up that make your life easier. For example, features like having more energy and being able to think clearly. Brain fog is a choice. Your diet surprisingly impacts your mental health just as much as it impacts your physical health.

So here I am writing another section for this long-ass guide focusing on the only thing you truly need to eat like you're planning on being alive in 10 years time. And that thing is simply to want it bad enough. It sounds cliche but it's completely true. If you really wanted to eat a healthy diet, you'd be doing it already. All the information you need is already out there online. This whole time nothing has stopped you from finding it and using it but YOU. And the reason is you don't want to do it bad enough.

And there was a time when I didn't want it bad enough, I used every excuse in the book over the years to justify eating garbage.

"I don't have time to cook healthy meals."

"Healthy food is too expensive."

"Healthy and wellness isn't my brand, i'm not about that life."

"I don't know how to cook green shit."

"I don't like the taste of healthy food."

"I'm too tired to cook after work."

"I have a busy schedule, sticking to a healthy eating plan is way too much effort for me."

"Junk food is just too good, I can't give it up, i'd rather die"

"Healthy food doesn't fill me up or keep me satisfied."

"I don't see the point in eating healthy now, i'll let future me worry about that."

All of these excuses were valid, and allowed me to neglect my health for most of my life. But when I started seeing the results other people in my life were getting by not prioritising their health, the excuses started to lose their power. Just because the people around you aren't the best role models, doesn't mean you can't learn from them. In my case they set an example for the health I didn't want to end up with. They showed me what not to do. And slowly, I started finding ways to overcome all the mental roadblocks I created that were holding me back. One excuse at a time. You see, developing better eating habits may be hard, but being sick is harder.

The Average Person's Story

Picture this: Average person wakes up in the morning and he can barely move. He has let his health go so much that his joints ache and his back is stiff. He can no longer move without pain and discomfort. Getting out of bed takes longer than it used to, and he feels exhausted before he even starts his day. He tries to make himself breakfast, but his hands shake so much that he ends up spilling cereal all over the counter. His vision is blurry and he struggles to read the instructions on the box.

He sits down at the table and takes a bite of his cereal, but he can barely taste it. He knows he should be eating something healthy, but he just doesn't have the energy to cook. He spends the day watching TV, barely moving from the sofa because, well, he doesn't have the energy to do anything else.

As the day goes on, he starts to feel worse. His breathing becomes laboured, and his chest feels tight. He knows he should go to the doctor, but he's scared of what they might find. Better not to know, he's got enough problems to deal with. At this stage, he struggles to remember things and even simple tasks are a challenge.

His days are filled with staring at screens, taking medication, and sitting down. He can no longer do the any of the activities he loves. He's even afraid to leave the house for fear of falling or not being able to make it back.

As his quality of life diminishes, he often feels like he's just waiting for the end. This may sound like a bleak picture, but unfortunately, the average person's story will end this way. Doing what everyone is else doing will make you sick.

A Healthy Person's Story

Now imagine reaching your later years and still feeling strong, vibrant and full of life. You wake up each day with energy and intent, excited to take on whatever the day has in store for you. Your body is capable of doing everything you love, whether it's going for a jog, dancing or playing with your grandkids or pets. You're not limited by aches, pains or chronic health conditions. Instead, you're free to enjoy all the things you love most in life.

You're not just healthy in body, but in mind too. You have a sharp memory, a positive outlook on life, and a strong sense of purpose. You have close relationships with friends and family, and you're still actively engaged in your community. You have the time and energy to pursue new hobbies, learn new skills, and travel to new places. You're living life to the fullest and enjoying every moment.

All of this is possible because you've made your health a priority throughout your life. You've eaten a nutritious diet, stayed active, managed stress, and taken care of your mental health. You've also stayed up to date with regular health screenings and check-ups, catching any potential issues early and addressing them before they become serious.

You feel so grateful to your younger self for your health and the years of hard work you put into taking care of yourself. You know that your healthy lifestyle has helped you to avoid many of the health problems that plague others (like John) in their later years.

Which scenario would you rather have?

All I want you to take from this is that the second one is possible, but it's not easy. If it was easy, everyone would be doing it. But it doesn't change the fact that it is possible. And here's the funny thing, life isn't supposed to be easy anyway. The harder your life is, the better you become at doing difficult things and the easier life's challenges become as a byproduct. The easier your life is, the harder you'll find it to do difficult things, and the harder everything in life becomes. Or, to make a long story short, life is a game of opposites. Easy choices make life hard, while hard choices make life easy.

Do you think being sick is easy? Because that's where living the "easy" life gets you.

What Do You Deserve?

If you're reading my content, I know that you're capable of more than the average person. Even if you don't believe this yet, I know you are because I used to have your habits, and I was able to change them.


There's nothing special about me. The only thing that i've got going for me is that whilst most people seem to have a fixed idea of their capabilities, I have none. I don't know what i'm capable of, and this belief allows me to at least dare to find out. It allows me to at least play the game. And that's the hardest part.


Once you're in the game, you can only play to the best of your abilities. But the amazing thing about stepping up in the first place, is that the longer you stay in the game, the better your abilities become. And if you stay in the game long enough, there's a chance you might even win.

At the end of the day, you're not unhealthy because of a slow metabolism, or lack of will power, or shitty genetics. You're unhealthy because you haven't tried hard enough to be healthy. The great thing about life is that everyone gets what they deserve. Do you want illness or health? 

If your answer is health, I want you do something for you. Imagine the last decade of your life, free of illness and disease. What does your best-case scenario look like?

Will you be taking long walks in the park, cycling, swimming, dancing with friends, or practising yoga?

Do you want to be gardening, growing your own fruits and veggies?

Do you want to be able to play with your grandchildren, laugh with them, pick them up and carry them?

Will you live long enough to see the type of humans your family develops into?

Do you see yourself alone, reading, reflecting, and growing wiser with each passing day?

Do you want to be able to do everything independently, showering, going to the toilet, cooking, cleaning?

What does a typical day in the life of old you look like? Take 20 minutes and write down everything that comes to mind in as much detail as possible.

Remember that no matter what your ideal day looks like, it's within your reach. But you need to prioritise your health first. And when you do, you're investing in your future and creating the foundation for a fulfilling and illness free life.

So take a good look at your current habits and lifestyle, and ask yourself if they align with the vision you just created. If not, it's never too late to make changes and start living in accordance with the life you want. Remember, your health is your most precious asset, without it you have nothing. 


Always remember, you were born to be the hero of your story.

Free you outlaw.

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