Are you someone who has neglected your health for years?


Does the thought of developing chronic diseases give you major anxiety?


You know, obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure. 


Fun fact: these are the 4 most common reasons people die now.


As much as this sounds like I'm about to try and sell you a miracle drug, don't worry, I'm not. Miracles are like hope, they're not strategies for success. I don't sell nonsense, but I do want to tell you about a cool study done with Aborigines. 


Firstly, this study showed that these chronic diseases begin to appear soon after a person abandons a traditional diet and way of life and adopts a Western-style diet, which often includes large amounts of refined carbs and a sedentary lifestyle.


But here's the good news: some of the most harmful effects of the Western diet can be reversed! This Aborigines study was conducted in Australia, and they basically kidnapped them and stuck them in a big brother style house where they got them to adapt to a Western diet. Soon after the Aborigines experienced health challenges as a result, particularly type 2 diabetes. Also, i made the kidnapping and big brother bit up to make the study more interesting. 


The researcher then took these Aborigines back out into the bush for seven weeks where they had to hunt and forage for their own food, something they still had knowledge of. And just like that - their health returned!


This suggests that we can undo damage done by poor lifestyle choices. Obviously this depends on multiple factors. How long have you been ruining your health with garbage habits, and also to what extent? Regardless the lesson here is that doing the right things for your body will yield positive results for your health no matter what state you're in.


Now, you might be thinking, "That's great for them, but I live in a city and don't have access to the bush and the skills to hunt and forage."


Well, you don't have to leave civilisation to optimise your health. Even in the concrete jungle, you can improve your health.


Processed junk is so toxic that even modest dietary and lifestyle changes can have a massive impact on disease prevention. And guess what? These changes are compatible with 21st-century living. 


It's simple:

  1. Eat a diet that is rich in whole, unprocessed foods, such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats.
  2. Avoid processed foods, and added sugar.
  3. Incorporate physical activity into your daily routine. You don't have to spend hours in the gym - even 30 minutes of moderate activity per day can make a big difference.
  4. Prioritise rest and relaxation. Sleep is undefeated as a key pillar for living a long time.


If you're not already doing these things, it's too late to change your life.



I know, I know, you might be thinking, "But, I've been stuck in my ways for so long. Can I really make a change now?" Absolutely, my friend.


You see, the human spirit is resilient. It thrives on challenges and overcoming adversity. No matter how deep you think you're buried in your old habits, you have the power to rise up and rewrite your story. 


Don't forget your evolution up to this point. You went from baby to boy and boy to man. Now it's time to go from man to hero. There's an outlaw in all of you waiting to be unleashed. 


Don't let your past define you. By embracing the present you can take control of your future.


It starts with a decision.


A decision to say goodbye to excuses and hello to action.


A decision to unleash the outlaw within and embark on a journey of self-transformation.


Sure, it won't be easy. Change never is. But trust me, the rewards are worth it. Imagine waking up every day feeling energised, confident, and unstoppable. This what having good health feels like.


So, my friend, don't let anyone or anything convince you that it's too late. You have the power within you to change your life, right here, right now. Get up, take that first step towards becoming the best version of yourself. I listed 4 actions above you can start working on. The time for change is now. 


Always remember, you were born to be the hero of your story.

Free your outlaw.

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