It won't come as a surprise that our fixation on restricting what we eat via creative means dates back to the second century. During this time a Roman senator was advocating eating copious amounts of cabbage which is perfectly reasonable. He makes it weird by also suggesting bathing in the urine of those who also ate copious amounts of cabbage. His justification for this was that he believed this cabbage & urine combo would enrich peoples lives with vim & vigour.


Today miracle diets making bold claims are more prevalent than ever but usually don't involve urine, so that's progress I guess. But the diets themselves are still more problematic than ever. We're now inundated with so-called celeb doctors advertising innovative fat burning products on TV. So-called celebrities & influencers are also promoting products like "flat tummy shakes" & "weight loss tea." What a time to be alive.


This crazy fixation we have around dieting to lose weight stems from the stigma around being fat. But the main reason people are overweight in the first place is because we live in an environment that is designed to make us fat. We have too much access to hyper-palatable foods that are high in calories & low in nutrients. These foods are literally manufactured to be addictive, ridiculously satisfying & consequently, overeaten. 


At the end of the day, it's common knowledge that most calorie-reducing diets will result in weight loss if followed strictly, as long as they are maintained. How you choose to reduce your calorie intake to acceptable proportions isn't vital. How you maintain it is. And this lack of maintenance long term is why people who lose weight often gain it back.


You will naturally consume fewer calories if you simply prioritise eating real food that doesn't contain any artificial ingredients you can't pronounce. If you only ate real food, consisting of mainly meat, veg, fruit, nuts and seeds etc. you could eat as much food as you wanted and still maintain a healthy weight. 


This is why I don't diet anymore. I just focus on eating real nutritious food. It was hard at first but over time your taste buds adapt to enjoy these foods. I went from never eating a vegetable to becoming a vegan over night. The more you eat something, even if you don't like it at first, the easier it becomes to eat. 


After a month or 2, the sugar cravings stop as well. People don't realise sugar is a drug that creates a similar chemical reaction in the brain as cocaine. After I learned this, I started seeing junk food as crack snacks, which made them less appealing as i didn't want to identify as a crackhead. I'll still demolish a pastry occasionally, which is my guilty pleasure, but it's just not a weekly thing. 



Food isn't something to be restricted & controlled to lose weight or "be healthy". This mindset will lead you to feel deprived, which will only lead you to self sabotage at some point later on. When it comes to food, the aim of the game is eat as much nutrients as possible so your body can function like a beast. I call this game: the eat to live super long without getting sick game. The name needs work, it's just placeholder for now. Reframing your motivation to eat through this lens will shift your mindset away from the need to eat poison.


Here are the general recommended daily intakes of some essential micronutrients men should be hitting:

  1. Vitamin A: 900 micrograms (mcg) per day.
  2. Vitamin C: 90 milligrams (mg) per day.
  3. Vitamin D: 600 international units (IU) per day.
  4. Vitamin E: 15 mg per day.
  5. Vitamin K: 120 mcg per day.
  6. B Vitamins (B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B7, B9, B12): Varies for each B vitamin, but typically ranges from 1-2 mg per day.
  7. Calcium: 1,000 mg per day.
  8. Iron: 8 mg per day.
  9. Magnesium: 400-420 mg per day.
  10. Zinc: 11 mg per day.
  11. Selenium: 55 mcg per day.
  12. Potassium: 2,600-3,400 mg per day.
  13. Iodine: 150 mcg per day.
  14. Copper: 900 mcg per day.
  15. Manganese: 2.3 mg per day.


An example of a full day of eating to win this game i made up would look like the below.


  • Scrambled eggs with spinach and bell peppers (providing protein, vitamin A, vitamin C). Add an avocado (providing healthy fats, vitamin E, B vitamins).
  • Side of sliced oranges or kiwis (providing vitamin C).


  • Greek yogurt with mixed berries (providing protein, calcium, vitamin D).
  • Handful of almonds (providing healthy fats, vitamin E, magnesium).


  • Grilled chicken breast with steamed broccoli (providing protein, vitamin C, vitamin K).
  • Quinoa salad with mixed vegetables (providing fiber, B vitamins).
  • Side of sliced tomatoes (providing vitamin C).


  • Carrot sticks with hummus (providing vitamin A, fiber).
  • Banana (providing potassium).


  • Baked salmon with roasted sweet potatoes (providing protein, omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin A).
  • Mixed green salad with tomatoes, cucumbers, and vinaigrette dressing (providing vitamin C, vitamin K).
  • Steamed asparagus (providing fibre, folate).


  • Apple slices with peanut butter (providing fibre, healthy fats).


The focus should be on nutrition in the context of a healthy lifestyle. Cultivating a lifestyle that promotes a healthy weight & metabolism should be the aim. This is often a lifelong journey so it will take time to get right.


It took me 5 years to sort my diet out and develop healthy eating practices, but it's an easy trade for 50 years of health. I tracked everything I put in my body for 4 years and it got it down to a fine science. Now my weekly meal plan provides me with all nutrients I need. I buy more or less the same ingredients every week because of this reason, I know they fuel my body correctly. 


I'm still working on the best way to break down my meal plan strategy, I might develop course for this (not sure yet). I can easily break down my healthy eating practices though. 


1) Build meals around protein and produce. 

When it's time to eat, think protein and produce first. Try to get a 30-50 gram serving of protein and at least a couple vegetables at every meal. This rule of thumb will help you put together meals that have the nutrients you need. Rice, potatoes, shirataki noodles or whatever other healthy carb source you want to add comes after and is less of a priority.


2) Make simple swaps.

Don't overcomplicate it. 

  1. Swap white bread for whole grain bread or no bread - Whole grain bread is a better choice because it contains more fibre and nutrients.

  2. Swap sugary drinks for water - Water is a much healthier choice than sugary drinks for obvious reasons.

  3. Swap fried foods for baked or grilled - Fried foods eaten out will be high in unhealthy calories and fats, while baked or grilled foods are much healthier options.

  4. Swap sweets for fruit - Sweets are high in sugar and calories, while fruit is a great source of vitamins and fibre.

  5. Swap processed snacks for nuts or seeds - Nuts and seeds are a healthier snack option than processed garbage, which are often high in salt and unhealthy fats.

You don't need to do this every time necessarily, but look for obvious chances to make a healthier choice, and take them.


3) Keep a selection of foods on hand that you can turn into a quick meal or to snack on. Here's a basic list of ingredients to get you started:

  • Frozen berries
  • Frozen spinach and other vegetables
  • Yoghurt
  • Salad leaf mix
  • Canned tuna or other fish
  • Pre-cooked chicken / cold meats
  • Nuts / seeds
  • Goji berries / mulberries
  • Nut butter
  • Beef sticks, jerky, biltong
  • Fresh fruits and veggies that can be eaten raw, celery, carrots etc.
  • Dips (hummus, guacamole)
  • Cheese sticks, sliced cheese, cottage cheese
  • Soup, bone broth
  • Dates

4) The easiest way to avoid eating junk food is to not have it in the house. Its a lot harder to eat food that isn't in your house. It's easy for a junkie to get off drugs in a rehab centre but when they go back to their normal environment 90% relapse. Your behaviour adapts to your environment. If you want to change your behaviour change your environment so you're not surrounded by unhealthy cues and triggers. If you really want to have that chocolate bar then you can drive or walk to the shop to buy it but never keep it in the house. 9/10 times the thought of having to leave your house to get your fix will put you off. 



Control what you can, don't worry about the rest. Eating out means letting go of some control over ingredients and options. While not ideal, this isn't something to stress about. The goal isn't to be a perfect eater, and we definitely don't want food to be a source of anxiety and misery. What you eat plays a huge role in how you feel, though. Therefore, its good to pay attention to how you're nourishing your body and to make self-supporting choices more often than not. Instead of thinking about what you "can't" or "shouldn't" eat, seek out foods that will help you feel physically well, mentally sharp, and energetic.


If you only take one point from this blog, it should be that healthy eating doesn't need to be complicated. When it comes to creating nourishing & satisfying meals, just eat the foods our bodies spent centuries adapting to consume. The "My Plate Method" is a good starting point if you need some guidance. The method suggests making half your plate non-starchy vegetables, one-quarter protein, & one-quarter carbohydrates. & remember not to turn this method into the gospel, be flexible & experiment to find a system that works for you long term. 


Final Note: There is no such thing as the best diet for everyone. Results will differ from person to person. & If weight loss is the goal, just know that your weight is determined by various factors beyond what you eat. Sleep, exercise, hormones, genetics are just a few of many others. Weight is not the only measure of health, listen to your body. Once you're fuelling it with the right foods, it will let you know. Those right foods won't be found in the junk food aisle though.


Always remember, you were born to be the hero of your story.

Free you outlaw.

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