I want to share an interesting concept called the self-perception theory that can help you make lasting lifestyle changes. Dr. Daryl Bem of Cornell University first introduced this theory in 1972, which challenged the conventional belief that our opinion of ourselves drives our behaviour. Instead, Dr. Bem's research showed that we come to know who we are by watching our own behaviour, just as we form opinions about others by observing their behaviour. It's our behaviour that shapes our identity.


What does this mean for you?


It means that you can change your behaviour to change your identity and in turn, how you see yourself. This is where the power of bright lines comes in. By creating strict rules for yourself and sticking to them, you can establish a clear sense of what you do and in turn who you are. This may sound daunting, but it can be incredibly empowering.


Think about it - every time you stick to your bright lines, you're creating evidence for yourself that you are a healthy, disciplined person. And as you continue to see yourself doing these behaviours, you'll naturally start to identify as someone who prioritises their health and well-being. 



Now, let me introduce you to the Order of Consequences. You see, every action you take, every decision you make, sets off a chain reaction of consequences. It's like a domino effect that can either work for you or against you.

Here's how it goes:

Step 1: Your Actions - Every choice you make, whether it's hitting the snooze button or going for that early morning workout, has an impact.

Step 2: Your Habits - Your actions, when repeated consistently, form habits. These habits can either propel you forward or hold you back.

Step 3: Your Character - Your habits shape your character. Are you someone who follows through on commitments, pushes through challenges, and prioritises your health? Or are you someone who gives in to excuses and settles for mediocrity?

Step 4: Your Destiny - Your character determines your destiny. It's the culmination of all your actions and habits. Are you on the path to greatness, living a life of vitality and purpose? Or are you allowing your health and potential to wither away?


Let's say you've been neglecting your health, putting everything else before it, and it's starting to take a toll. Here's how the order of consequences play out.

Step 1: Your Actions - You've been indulging in convenient but unhealthy food choices, skipping workouts, and neglecting self-care. Burgers, pizzas, and late-night snacks have become the norm while hitting the gym feels like a distant memory.

Step 2: Your Habits - These actions have become ingrained habits. You find yourself mindlessly reaching for sugary and processed foods, and exercise seems like a chore. Your energy levels plummet, your physique suffers, and you start noticing unwanted weight gain and lack of stamina.

Step 3: Your Character - These habits start shaping your character. You become someone who lacks discipline, motivation, and self-confidence. You may even feel frustrated, looking at yourself in the mirror, and wondering how you let your health slip away so drastically.

Step 4: Your Destiny - The consequences of neglecting your health catch up to you. Your energy levels continue to decline, and you may face challenges like obesity, low testosterone, and increased risk of heart disease. Your confidence and energy take a hit, affecting your personal and professional life.


But here's the deal, bro. It's never too late to rewrite this story. You have the power to take control and prioritise your health, transforming the order of consequences.


Imagine a different scenario:

Step 1: Your Actions - You start making smart choices, fueling your body with wholesome, nutrient-dense foods, and incorporating effective workouts into your routine.

Step 2: Your Habits - These positive actions become habits. You start enjoying preparing delicious and healthy meals, and hitting the gym becomes a way to challenge and strengthen yourself. Your energy levels skyrocket, and you start seeing positive changes in your physique and overall well-being.

Step 3: Your Character - Your habits shape your character. You become a man of discipline, determination, and self-respect. You give off a sense of confidence, both in your physical appearance and in your mindset. You become a role model for others, inspiring them to take charge of their own health.

Step 4: Your Destiny - The consequences of prioritising your health unfold in remarkable ways. You experience enhanced physical performance, increased muscle mass, improved mental clarity, and elevated self-esteem. You become the best version of yourself, unlocking your full potential and enjoying your life.


So, the choice is in your hands. Are you ready to reclaim your health, rewrite the order of consequences, and become the type of man people respect? 


You don't need to make crazy life changes which will be difficult to maintain long term. Especially don't proclaim that you'll never eat junk food again. But making rules around how much protein and water you'll consume daily is much more achievable. I actually hate the word rule because it sounds restrictive and limiting so i'm going to replace it with the word habit. They're basically the same thing, they both involve doing behaviours that are repeated regularly until they become automatic and effortless. So, if I was starting my journey again, I'd make these habits:


  1. Eat during a max. 12 hour feeding window - For example If your first meal is at 8am your last meal is 8pm. Extra tip: For better sleep, try to stop eating at least 2 hours before bed.
  2. No junk food Mon-Fri - Weekends are flexible - I'd do this for the first month whilst developing healthier eating habits. Once you know you can eat well 5 days of the week it's easy to apply those habits to the full week. This rule is all about progressive overload. Processed foods are addictive  
  3. Aim for at least 30g of protein with every meal.
  4. Eat min. 5 different types of veg / fruit every day.
  5. Drink 1L of water upon waking and min. 3L total everyday. I have a 1L water bottle, I just drink 3 of them daily.
  6. Go for a walk everyday and try and get sunlight or take vitamin D supplements if there's no sun.
  7. Gratitude journal everyday- write 3 things you can appreciate that happened that day.
  8. Go to sleep at the same time every night.


These habits would only apply on a typical day, if I had a date or dinner with friends and I fancied eating some garbage, I'd do it. The aim of the game is to practice these habits, not perfect them. We're human, and humans aren't perfect, but we can be great. If you're able to maintain these rules 95% of the time, you'll see great results.


The more evidence you can stack in favour of the healthy version of you, the easier it will become to maintain these habits long term. Not all the habits are food related because your mental health plays a massive role in your ability to be consistent.


So, those are my habits, use them as a starting point if you want but ultimately you need to figure out what works for you. You do this by taking action and trying things out to see how they work for you. 


Of course, this is all easier said than done. Changing your behaviour and sticking to it is challenging, but life is hard. And this is what hard looks like but every small step counts.


The benefits are worth it - not only will you feel better physically and mentally, you'll also look healthy.


Who wouldn't want to look healthy?


Internally you'll also have more confidence in your ability to create lasting change. There's nothing worse than feeling like you have no control. The only thing you can control is your mind and your actions, master this, and you will become unstoppable in all aspects of life.


So as you continue on your health journey, keep in mind the power of self-perception theory, bright lines and the order of consequence. You have the power to create the life and identity you want - one small step at a time.


By making these simple but powerful changes to your diet and lifestyle, you can reduce your risk of dying and have a better quality of life. There are levels to this, and mastering nutrition is like a cheat code to unlocking extra features in your body that the average person will never experience. 


Always remember, you were born to be the hero of your story.

Free your outlaw.

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